A Way Forward

Why Education?

At SeeBeyondBorders, we truly believe that ‘change begins with education’. A focus on quality education and learning, as well as keeping children in school for as long as possible, creates brighter opportunities, and futures, developing society and breaking the cycle of poverty for generations to come.

Why Focus on Teachers?

Over 15 years of work on the ground in Cambodia, our evidence-driven work demonstrates the value of a ‘top-down approach’ and focus on teachers. When teachers and school leaders are competent, confident and provided with sufficient resources, this has a lasting impact on student learning.

Why Cambodia?

Cambodia faced one of the worst atrocities in history, with the vast majority of educators and university graduates killed during the Khmer Rouge Regime. This is something the country is still recovering from, with education levels and student retention at some of the lowest in the region and the world. We see first hand the support that is needed, and the impact our support can have.

Why North-West Cambodia?

Rural North-West Cambodia is one of the most disadvantaged areas in the country. With students spending an average of just 3.7 years at school in Siem Reap province, compared to 8.7 in the nations capital- Phnom Penh, this region truly needs support. With collective support, we can help to bring up this region, minimising this regional inequality.