Awards and Recognition

International Accreditation from DFAT

In 2016, International accreditation from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is achieved for demonstrating capacity and performance against a range of indicators related to structure, philosophies, policies, and practices.

Dr Hang Chuon Naron,
Minister of Education, Youth and Sport

“SeeBeyondBorders offers an exciting opportunity for teachers across the country to be part of a genuinely collaborative and supportive network of professional communities of practice.”

Wenhui Award for Educational Innovation

In 2017, Winner of the Wenhui Award for Educational Innovation in the Professional Development of Teachers.

UNESCO Prize for Enhancing Teachers

In 2018, SeeBeyondBorders is awarded the UNESCO Prize for Outstanding Practice in Enhancing Teachers and remains the only organisation in Cambodia to receive this prestigious award.

Development Medal from MoEYS

In 2019, SeeBeyondBorders is awarded a Development Medal from the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport for the sustained role played in improving standards of teaching and learning for teachers and students.

Justin Whyatt,
Australian Ambassador to Cambodia

“It’s exciting to see firsthand the impact that improvements to teacher training, the methods of teaching have on the lives of Cambodian students, and the way that education can transform lives. We’re really proud to support SeeBeyondBorders as an ANCP recipient.”

Mentoring Recognised by UKAID

In 2023, The Embedding Mentoring Project is awarded an “A” by UKAID in its final technical assessment, recognising its success.

Dr. Set Seng,
Director of Phnom Penh Teacher
Education College

“The work and practices by SeeBeyondBorders can be used as a framework not only at school level but also at teacher education programs, and also at the education policy level. I, myself, am grateful to cooperate and work with SeeBeyondBorders to improve the education in my country.”

International Accreditation from DFAT

In 2016, International accreditation from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is achieved for demonstrating capacity and performance against a range of indicators related to structure, philosophies, policies, and practices.

Dr Hang Chuon Naron,
Minister of Education, Youth and Sport

In 2016, International accreditation from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is achieved for demonstrating capacity and performance against a range of indicators related to structure, philosophies, policies, and practices.

In 2016

International accreditation from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is achieved for demonstrating capacity and performance against a range of indicators related to structure, philosophies, policies, and practices.

In 2017

Winner of the Wenhui Award for Educational Innovation in the Professional Development of Teachers.

In 2018

SeeBeyondBorders is awarded the UNESCO Prize for Outstanding Practice in Enhancing Teachers and remains the only organisation in Cambodia to receive this prestigious award.

In 2019

SeeBeyondBorders is awarded a Development Medal from the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport for the sustained role played in improving standards of teaching and learning for teachers and students.

In 2023

The Embedding Mentoring Project is awarded an “A” by UKAID in its final technical assessment, recognising its success..