Cambodian Context

We tackle the root causes of extreme learning poverty by upskilling teachers and leaders.

Challenges to Quality Education in Cambodia


of teachers were killed during the Cambodian Civil War
The legacy of the recent Khmer Rouge regime: The civil war decimated the education system in Cambodia, killing 90% of teachers and 96% of university graduates. This trauma continues to have a negative impact on teachers and school communities today.


of children reach minimum learning standards
Extreme learning poverty significantly hinders educational attainment, growth, and development potential: Many children in rural Cambodia struggle to meet basic learning requirements. By the age of fifteen, 97% of children are unable to demonstrate proficiency in literacy and maths.


of teachers do not have a formal teaching degree
Lack of qualified teachers: Only 35% of teachers have higher education, with most teachers completing only a short two-year course. This means that many teachers are not equipped to provide quality instruction, making teachers feel isolated, unsupported, discouraged, and less effective.


of school principals have never received leadership training
Underinvestment in school leadership: Only 6% of school principals in Cambodia have received training. This lack of investment in school leadership and limited opportunities for professional development are a significant barrier to improving education.

Regional Inequalities and Northwest Cambodia